Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011

NOLA Bachelorette

One of my best friends since the 4th grade is getting married in September. We had a HUGE bridal shower for her this Saturday and then took her to NOLA for her bachelorette party. When we started planning her party, she mentioned that she wanted to be covered in... well you'll see... here are a few pics from the shower and then the partying in New Orleans. We had a BLAST!

military myspace layouts

Corinne, Misty, Tarah, me

the "clean" picture

then the "goodies" came out

penis shakers =)

bachelorette crown

**wild and sexy**

and then the penis crown!!

there are no words

meeting a "bar challenge"

such an amazing time!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I love Google. I Google everything. One of my hubby's best friends once told him, "The dumbest thing a smart person can say is, I know everything." And he's in Special Forces, so he must know what he's talking about. The friend. Not my hubby. Although I think he's pretty special ;) So I Google everything, b/c I'm not too proud to say, I don't know everything. I do however know a little about a lot, b/c why??? GOOGLE!! haha for example... at work... In preop we get all sorts of patients remember? Well, that means all sorts of problems and medications for those problems (and lots of medications of the herbal sort). When I/we come across a problem, medication, anything at all that we don't know about I Google it! Green Tea? Cinnamon? Ron's Rum? These are a few of the most recent medicines I've Googled that I've either not known about or just wanted to know why the heck people take them. One afternoon we actually Googled p&n!$ pumps. Why? you ask. Because one of our patients coming in the next day had one. And we were curious. Yesterday I spent 30min on Google searching for information pertaining to a disease called Kennedy's Disease. We had a pt today with it and we needed any special anesthesia precautions.
I started this particular note to say... I was watching Law & Order: SVU this evening and one of the main characters on the 6pm show was a blonde lady with a voice I recognized and a smile that was almost familiar. So I thought.... and I GOOGLED!!!! First Footloose. The Movie. Everybody Footloose!! Love me some Footloose. Lori Singer. Then I Googled USA. USANetwork.com. That got me the list of shows for SVU. Bang. Then I Googled Lori Singer. CHACHING!!!!! Lori Singer played Dede Aston in the Bang episode of Law & Order: SVU. Awesome. I love Google.

military myspace layouts

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2-for-1 special on the crazies

Most of this blog will be my rantings on my everyday life. I will not share where I work on this site, to protect the innocent haha, but mostly to protect my job.  Me staying at my job that is ;) however yes I am a nurse, at a "procedure center", where we see all sorts of people. And oooooooooh those people! 
Here lately we've had a couple of days I like to call "2-for-1 special on the crazies." Because that's what it has seemed like. One crazy person gets off the elevator and walks up to our front desk, and one more follows suit. 2-for-1 special. I asked this morning if it was a full moon. One special lady today had on a surgical mask b/c she is "deathly allergic" to all types of perfumes and wouldn't use one of our bathrooms b/c it had air freshener in it. She also refused her temperature being taken b/c she was afraid her preop nurse used too strong body soap. Oh my. And because of her extreme hacking cough we were actually afraid she had TB. So, um, that surgical mask wasn't doing anything for anybody. Special. 

At my job I also work with kids. I love working with my kiddos. Today I got to preop a young guy and he noticed my paracord 550 bracelet. He asked if I know anyone in the army or military. I said yes, my husband. "Oh really?" He perked up at this. He asked if my husband was in the Guard or what branch. I said Army Guard. Turns out my little pt is too. So we started talking all about him being in the Army National Guard, how he got in it (dad was in it, also went to YCP at Camp Shelby) and of course, all about my very own GI Joe man, Bret. He was such a sweet kid. Good potential. When I got done preop-ing him I tried not to sound too condescending but I said "from a 28yr-old old lady, I'm proud of you, and so glad you're doing that." He replied with a "yes ma'am" and a "thank you so much"

This blog will also be used to talk about that GI Joe man I mentioned earlier. He's gone right now. To Virginia for officer training (BOLC for you military peeps). Until the end of July. Been gone since the end of March. I just got back from visiting him last weekend. So if you want to be the other part of my 2-for-1 crazy special, I'll let ya know when you're needed (or heck you may very well know before I know ;)) b/c yes I miss my husband like CRAZY. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First post ever...

me and my soldier man in Jamaica for our weddingmoon

Ok so I'm new at this whole blogging thing. I've read others. And I've always wanted to try my hand at it. I love writing and since I'm at home alone a lot I usually have lots to say with no one to listen to me. So here I am... and here we go...