I love Google. I Google everything. One of my hubby's best friends once told him, "The dumbest thing a smart person can say is, I know everything." And he's in Special Forces, so he must know what he's talking about. The friend. Not my hubby. Although I think he's pretty special ;) So I Google everything, b/c I'm not too proud to say, I don't know everything. I do however know a little about a lot, b/c why??? GOOGLE!! haha for example... at work... In preop we get all sorts of patients remember? Well, that means all sorts of problems and medications for those problems (and lots of medications of the herbal sort). When I/we come across a problem, medication, anything at all that we don't know about I Google it! Green Tea? Cinnamon? Ron's Rum? These are a few of the most recent medicines I've Googled that I've either not known about or just wanted to know why the heck people take them. One afternoon we actually Googled p&n!$ pumps. Why? you ask. Because one of our patients coming in the next day had one. And we were curious. Yesterday I spent 30min on Google searching for information pertaining to a disease called Kennedy's Disease. We had a pt today with it and we needed any special anesthesia precautions.
I started this particular note to say... I was watching Law & Order: SVU this evening and one of the main characters on the 6pm show was a blonde lady with a voice I recognized and a smile that was almost familiar. So I thought.... and I GOOGLED!!!! First Footloose. The Movie. Everybody Footloose!! Love me some Footloose. Lori Singer. Then I Googled USA. USANetwork.com. That got me the list of shows for SVU. Bang. Then I Googled Lori Singer. CHACHING!!!!! Lori Singer played Dede Aston in the Bang episode of Law & Order: SVU. Awesome. I love Google.
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